How did you respond to the feedback from your initial proposal? What will you change in your second round of sketches that are due soon?

 The feed back from my initial proposal was very helpful. The detailed comments that were given to me by both Mr. Nelson and Ms.Brown were very detailed and beneficial to me. One comment in particular that was given to me by My teacher that really helped was,"Im going to suggest ensuring we can see the photo and using more space on the side rather than the bottom." As you can see from the image of my cover that I've uploaded you can clearly tell that the critiques that I have recieve from them can greatly impact my magazine.

As you can see from the image above my background image can be seen, but is also greatly covered up by writings. Taking the critique of placing my writings on the side instead of placing them in the middle will allow my picture to be seen more vividly. Also, Mr.Nelson suggested that i change my tittle name. He explaimed that it was too lengthy to be a title and that it seemed to be more of a statement rather than a title. 


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